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Wills And Probate

What is a Lasting Power of Attorney for financial affairs

WHAT IS A LASTING POWER OF ATTORNEY FOR FINANCIAL AFFAIRS? What is a Lasting Power of Attorney for financial affairs? An LPA for property and financial issues can grant someone the power to manage and decide on matters such as purchasing or disposing of property....

What Is A Lasting Power Of Attorney For Health And Welfare?

WHAT IS A LASTING POWER OF ATTORNEY FOR HEALTH AND WELFARE? What is a Lasting Power Of Attorney for Health And Welfare? A health and welfare LPA gives your attorney authority over your daily routine (washing, dressing, eating), medical care, placement in a care...

What Is A Will?

What is a will? What is a will? A  will is a legal written document that lets you decide what happens to: your money, property, or possessions after death. Why is a will so important especially regarding property? In England and Wales, the importance of having a will,...
What is a Lasting Power of Attorney for financial affairs

What is a Lasting Power of Attorney for financial affairs

WHAT IS A LASTING POWER OF ATTORNEY FOR FINANCIAL AFFAIRS? What is a Lasting Power of Attorney for financial affairs? An LPA for property and financial issues can grant someone the power to manage and decide on matters such as purchasing or disposing of property....

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What Is A Will?

What Is A Will?

What is a will? What is a will? A  will is a legal written document that lets you decide what happens to: your money, property, or possessions after death. Why is a will so important especially regarding property? In England and Wales, the importance of having a will,...

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Wills And Probate

If you have lost a loved one it is a highly emotional and stressful period. 

Our panel solicitors have extensive experience handling the transfer and sale of the property after a bereavement including support with what you require to sell and transfer the property:

  • Grant of Probate 
  • Deed of Assent

Our panel solicitors provide no-obligation quotes and are on hand to provide you with the right advice to guide you through the process